PIM for Amazon Vendor & Seller

One centralized product database for your Amazon Vendor and Seller accounts.

How important is Amazon product information management?

Amazon vendors and sellers need to provide unique, quality product information to meet the high standards of the marketplace and stand out from the competition on the digital shelf.

However, the time and resources involved with manual product information management can lead many manufacturers and retailers to cut corners and upload duplicate or outdated information. Compromising on the quality of your product data can be damaging to your sales and hamper your business growth.

At Sales Layer, our PIM software allows you to upload and centralize product information from all of your data sources. Here, you can analyze your content and identify any missing fields or errors to correct. After optimizing your product data, our exclusive connectors can synchronize your data across to your Amazon Vendor and Amazon Seller accounts, as well as any other marketplaces, platforms or sales channels that are part of your multichannel strategy.

What are the different Amazon connectors available?

Our PIM platform offers connectors for Amazon Vendor and Amazon Seller. These connectors ensure a seamless integration between your product database and Amazon channels. They don’t require a technical installation or maintenance, allowing for a smooth and seamless onboarding. In addition, any optimizations you make to your product data in the PIM can be automatically updated on your Amazon accounts in real time.

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How does the Sales Layer PIM Amazon Vendor connector work?

If you’re selling your products directly to Amazon via a Vendor account, providing accurate, updated and optimized content is arguably the most important contribution you can make to boosting sales from your side.

The Sales Layer connector synchronizes your PIM product data to your Amazon Vendor account in real time. This means any changes you make are updated across your Amazon templates each time.

In just a few steps you can upload product data to Amazon Vendor. Firstly, check that the schema for your country and language exists, then set up the integration in your Amazon Vendor portal and install the Sales Layer connector found in our channel store.

Our Amazon Vendor connector offers:

  • List of official information fields based on your product type.
  • Assignment of mandatory and optional fields.
  • Category and variant management
  • Product image upload
  • Ability to send test or approved data to Amazon
  • Activity logs on connected product data
  • Amazon reports on the status of your connection
  • Automatic error detection
  • Automatic data synchronization at regular intervals
  • Ability to choose how often data is synchronized

What features does the Sales Layer PIM Amazon Seller connector include?

Due to the unique selling process for businesses using Amazon Seller Central, we offer a specific connector for this purpose.

The PIM connector for Amazon Seller automates and updates the Amazon Excel templates with your enriched content in real time.

Our Amazon Seller PIM connector saves your team time and hassle, providing the following features:

  • Automatic population of your Amazon Seller templates
  • Filters to export selected fields and products
  • Product data validation system
  • Error reports

Amazon Connector FAQs

How does PIM integration with Amazon benefit manufacturers?

Our unique Amazon Vendor SP-API connector is ideal for manufacturers or brands to easily publish their catalogs to Amazon, comply with the platform rules and provide a superior brand image as a supplier. In the same vein as Amazon Vendor facilitating the sale of your products, automating your product information management with the Sales Layer PIM can save you even more time.

How does the Amazon PIM solution benefit retailers?

Our PIM connector for Amazon Seller Central streamlines your processes, by automating your Amazon product information templates. The Sales Layer PIM allows you to collate all the product data from different manufacturers or distributors. From here, you can easily identify missing fields, consolidate your information and provide higher quality content to stand out from your competitors on the digital shelf.

How can Sales Layer help implement the Amazon PIM connector?

If you require any assistance in implementing a PIM connector for Amazon, we can put you in touch with one of our specialized Amazon partners to streamline the process and ensure a smooth and seamless onboarding.

Publish error-free catalogs in Amazon with Sales Layer

Enriched data, happy customers, better results.

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